Last week Sport!Op! Project partners met in Sarajevo in the Steering Commitee. The project has resumed face-to-face meetings with two working sessions that have served to know the different pilot actions that are developing given the situation generated by the Covid-19. In addition, it was defined how the results of these actions will be evaluated.

The meeting also served, precisely, how a methodological handbook will be generated, coordinated by University of Barcelona. This document will gather the experience of the pilot actions being developed by project partners and will offer methodologies to promote social inclusion and equal opportunities through sport.

Visit to local agents

The meeting held in Sarajevo was organized by the NGO Marathon Sarajevo. This entity works since 2007, but our desire to promote a healthy lifestyle, while building a healthier and more active society, started much earlier. They have been organizing the Sarajevo Half Marathon, a unique sports event that gathers an increasing number of participants from year to year, both professional athletes and citizens who are recreational and amateur sportists.

The meeting also served to get to know the two local entities involved in Sarajevo in the project: Athletic Club Novi Grad and SOS Children Village Sarajevo.

The idea for the formation and launch of this Athletic Club Novi Grad arose after the Municipal activities to build a new athletics track and other sports-recreational and educational facilities on the site of the Municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo, within the military barracks Safet Zajko, now the Center for Education, Sports and Recreation. In the cas, SOS Children’s Villages BiH is a humanitarian organization that cares for children and young people left without parental care and gives them a chance for a happy childhood and a better future.

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