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Granollers city council is the local administration of the municipality of Granollers. The city extends over 14.87 square kilometres with 61,275 inhabitants (01/01/2019). It is the most densely populated city and capital of the county of ‘Vallès Oriental’.

The city council has had a strategic planning unit since 1996. The council’s sports service is in charge of promoting physical activity and sport amongst residents. This is achieved through programs for children, teenagers, adults and senior citizens which are planned and implemented throughout the year. It also manages the maintenance, cleaning and programme of sports facilities within the city. This service also provides support to clubs and sports organizations in Granollers, with direct and indirect financial support (infrastructure and equipment) and communication campaigns. Specific urbanistic measures are also carried out to promote outdoor activities and sports.


Since its founding in the year 1450, the University of Barcelona has been a leading centre of education, science and critical thought. The quality of its teaching and research, which has won recognition both inside and outside Spain, complements the UB’s commitment to serving society’s interests both locally and nationally.  This, combined with a demonstrably dynamic, constructive and humanist character permeates the daily activities of the institution.

Demand from prospective students consistently exceeds the places on offer, with more than 64,000 students enrolling each year at one of the UB’s six campuses. In the academic year 2017-2018, students were distributed across 73 bachelor’s degrees, 153 university master’s degrees, 48 doctoral programmes, over 700 postgraduate courses and 597 on-site and distance ‘lifelong learning’ courses. A broad selection of courses is offered, covering the many disciplines which make up the principal branches of knowledge: humanities, health sciences, social sciences, experimental sciences and engineering.


The municipality of Grigny with 30,000 inhabitants, is located 23 kms south of Paris in the Essonne area. Grigny is  characterized by the poverty suffered by a large part of the population (45% of the inhabitants live under the poverty line) and a very young population (around 30% are under 20 years old).

The council has for some time been running a highly successful educational sport program called ‘The Academy of Sports’. Today, Grigny has become a national benchmark case for education in priority neighbourhoods, earning it the title of an ‘Educational City’. This is thanks to the involvement of the entire educational community (early childhood, education, training, integration, employment, culture and sport).

At the heart of the project are the transfer of educational and learning values inherent in a well-supervised sport (effort, solidarity, courage, ambition, decision-making, etc.).  Furthermore, the necessary requirement to achieve excellence in sport is also carried over to an educational context.

National education, state services, the C.A.F, sports movements and the local municipal councils are essential actors in the smooth running of this project, guaranteeing a complete and structured educational path.

The Het Gemeenschapsonderwijs (Belgium)

Founded in the 19th century, Atheneum Ieper (AIE) is a state school with 40 teaching staff and 260 students between 14 and 18 years old.  The school offers the general disciplines (economics, sciences, humanities, languages) and special technical education in sport and business. Their unique student guidance strategy aims to satisfy all students’ needs. Additionally, there is a strong focus on guidance in learning methodology and planning.

With reference to social inclusion, students are asked to organize workshops for different vulnerable groups within society. This project forms part of the sports qualification in the students’ final graduation year appraisal. Furthermore, the school is involved in a variety of local projects, thus building a strong local stakeholder network.  In these projects they are working together with other schools, sports clubs and local municipal councils. Additionally, the school has partnerships with schools abroad.

AIE hasn’t yet participated in an EU funded project, but is enthusiastic and committed to form more international connections. Moreover, AIE  values highly the ability to exchange experiences of social inclusion best practices with other partners in the fight against racism and intolerance.

LUGI HF – Lund (Sweden)

LUGI Handbollsförening is a men and women’s handball club which competes in Sweden’s highest leagues. Additionally, it has one of the highest youth membership levels in Sweden with a total 1350 younger members. The club also arranges the world’s largest indoor youth handball tournament which takes place annually between 26th and 30th December.

The club takes their social responsibilities seriously and has the objective of mentoring youngsters to become model citizens. Social inclusion through sports is a field in which the club focuses and works on a daily basis to improve and develop. The scope and areas of work are diverse; with everything from labour market insertion projects to assistance with everyday issues. Using activities, games and a variety of different projects, the club aims to engage different groups in society. Having worked closely with the city council, schools and various organisations, LUGI Handbollsförening brings years of experience in this area to the table.

HAŠK MLADOST – Zagreb (Croatia)

Founded in Zagreb in 1903, the Croatian club society was inspired by similar sport organisations from western Europe. Essentially the club promotes and develops new sports in Croatia, as well as promoting the multisport concept.

In its evolution it has lived through various different political and geographical scenarios. Despite these upheavals, the club has always managed to promote sport development, enhance quality and improve academic standards in education and coaching.  Furthermore, there has also always been an emphasis on social inclusion at all different levels.

In 1990, the club was granted approval by the rector of the University of Zagreb to use its name. Nowadays, HAŠK Mladost is the largest academic sports club both regionally and nationally in Croatia. It comprises of 4,400 sportspeople spread across 28 departments with water polo, volleyball, athletics and swimming being the most renowned.

In 2003, The city of Zagreb honoured the society by presenting it with an award for 100 years of continuity and service to the community. The city gave further praise to HAŠK Mladost for its outstanding contribution to developing the sporting culture of Zagreb and Croatia. Since 1953, Mladost has been the sole owner of ‘Sport Park Mladost’, the venue where the majority of sports activities take place.

NGO MARATHON SARAJEVO – Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Founded in 2007, NGO Marathon Sarajevo is a non-governmental organization with the overall objective of organizing innovative socially responsible sports events which inspire, bond and empower individuals and society. Evidently, the ultimate aim is the promotion of healthy and dynamic lifestyles.

The organisation offers a unique blend of organizational skills and experience in running at all levels. For this reason, the team is able to fully understand the needs of its partners, as well as the needs of professional, serious and recreational runners. The key personnel are highly educated managers who, as part of their daily business activities, manage teams and budgets. In addition, they are also experienced runners who each run approximately 3500 km per year and have a strong desire to contribute to making society better.

All events organised by NGO Marathon Sarajevo are socially responsible, and formed around the following 4 thematic windows:

  1. Peace building, reconciliation and youth empowerment events by putting together people countrywide.
  2. Promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle in BiH through mass participation events .
  3. High level of social responsibility; always supporting different vulnerable groups. For example, the organisation was the first in the region to have trained and guided a blind person to run a half marathon.
  4. Gender equality ( organising the first ladies run in BiH; 80% of the running Club ‘Klix’ are women; 38% of Sarajevo Half Marathon participants are women)

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