Irrialt’eau in Gruissan (Languedoc-Roussillon)

Partner:AQUADOC ; SCV Cave de Gruissan ; Véolia Eau ; Véolia Environnement ; Grand Narbonne ; INRA ; Unité expérimentale de Pech Rouge ; LBE Narbonne
Project dates:2013 to 2015
Site (region/city or town):Gruissan city in Languedoc-Roussillon
Scale level (national, regional, local):Local level
Use/s of the reclaimed water:Agricultural use – Vineyards irrigation
Short Description of the existing project:A pilot project for domestic treated wastewater reuse is implemented in Guissan nearby the city of Narbonne. Water is used for 1.5 Ha vineyards irrigation in the experimental center of INRA.Treated wastewater comes from the Narbonne wastewater treatment plant.This project is a small-scale pilot and aims at following micro-pollutants contents in grapes and wine.

If results are encouraging, more wine-growers are interested in reusing treated wastewater.

Specificities and data (technologies, water quality, flows, etc.):Water treatmentWater quality B (French regulation) : pre-filtration + UV and chlorination (slight)Water quality C (French regulation) : pre-filtration + chlorination
Is this the best application for this water? Why?Water is rejected into the sea if not reuseIn the future, is there any new expected use for this water reclamation project?More farmers may join the project in the future as there is enough water for 50 Ha of vineyards.
How was the project funded?Languedoc Roussillon region funded part of the project 
Legislations or other regulatory measures which affected the project:The project had to comply with the specific French regulation (in 2010 the 2nd of august revised in 2014 the 25th of june) on wastewater reuse for irrigation purposes.This regulation sets standards for water quality.

Stakeholder What is/was their role?
AQUADOC Irrigation equipment
SCV Cave de Gruissan Local winery
Véolia Eau Environnment Project leader – Water treatment
Grand Narbonne Owner of the wastewater treatment plant
Unité expérimentale de Pech Rouge Experimental tests
LBE Narbonne Experimental tests


Innovative aspects (existing and future)First project of wastewater reuse for vineyards irrigation in FranceFirst wastewater reuse project to follow micro pollutants


Benefits (social, environmental and economic aspects)Improve technics and risks mitigation methods for wastewater reuseEncourage social acceptance of wastewater reuse


Improving vineyards yields through irrigation in a water scarce area

Barriers Limited social acceptance for wine consumersEconomic profitability of the project at large scale needs to be demonstrated